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Healthy Relationship Skills and Guided Dating Events

In line with our mission to help create healthy relationships from the start, complementary to our app, we will be hosting in-person events where we conduct healthy relationship skills workshop followed by guided dating. We keep our events exclusive with small groups to ensure quality instead of quantity AND keep it intimate and engaging!


Healthy Relationship Skills Workshop

This part of the event is led by a Relationship psychologist. From experience working with individuals and couples, there are common issues and patterns identified that can be fixed if learned early on. In this section we will be having a fun and interactive workshop discussing Attachment Styles, Love Langauges, Reflecting on you ideal relationship, learning and practicing communication and so much more!

Speed Dating

After the workshop, we help you practice these skills in thre real world by dating other attendees! Here you will be guided using healthy dating prompts so you dont have to be worried about awkward silences! Our healthy dating prompts are unique and will help you break out of your shell and truly show in an authentic way.

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All Rights Reserved | The Relationship Lab Ltd 14776585 | 2024
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